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Whether Dark Souls Remastered is your first foray into the world of desperation and undeath or more of a homecoming, it is important to understand exactly how certain things work. Personally, I believe the very first aspect any player should learn about is how the game’s attributes affect the player character. Let’s talk stats, soft caps and diminishing returns.

There are eight traditional attributes for the player to upgrade while the total character level and number of currently held Humanity also count as attributes in their own way. There are two aspects that all attributes share: the existence of soft caps and diminishing returns. For the uninitiated, soft caps are points at which continuing to level an attribute would be not optimal or even virtually useless.This is due to the concept of diminishing returns. Simply put, once the soft cap is reached, the player will see less and less return on their investment. With all that out of the way, it’s time to take a closer look at each attribute and what they do.


At the top of the list is arguably one of the most important attributes if you dislike seeing that infamous “YOU DIED” screen. Vitality is super simple; the more you put into it, the more health points your opponents have to eat through before your inevitable death. Something to note here is that Vitality has two soft caps, one at 30 and one at 50. While the amount of health points earned will drop once you reach level 30, you won’t see truly diminishing returns until you hit the soft cap at level 50. This means that you can gain a fairly high amount of health before reaching this level.

You have a higher chance of being conterattcked since you will have to get more hits on enemies. Aslo most of the weapons have a lower durability, you will have a higher chance of breaking your weapon. Status priority. Dexterity Endurance Vitality = Vigor Attunement = Faith = Intellegence. Prefered Weapon.


For this attribute, it is paramount to understand how Dark Souls handles spells. Instead of using a magic meter or a mana pool, the player character’s spells have a certain number of uses before they need to be recharged at a bonfire. This number of uses is unique to each spell and is also determined by how many slots the spell takes up. How many spell slots a player has to attune spells to is defined by their Attunement. This is all the attribute does and becomes completely useless after level 50 because it no longer gives any spell slots once that soft cap is reached (even though the attribute can be raised to 99). Simply put, if you plan on making use of any Sorceries, Miracles or Pyromancies, you will need to raise your Attunement.


Now we’ve reached another of the most useful stats for staying alive… well undead. While Endurance has a slightly lower soft cap than Vitality and Attunement at only 40, it does provide bonuses to three separate stats. Between increasing the player’s total stamina, equip load and bleed resistance, Endurance makes investing in it well worth it. For clarity’s sake stamina points are used for most actions and are necessary if you plan on doing much else beyond standing in place. The player’s equip load not only outlines how much they can have equipped at any one time, but also determines what kind of roll animation they will perform (more on this in the “Combat” article). Finally, bleed resistance is just that, the player’s resistance to the bleed effect that some enemies and weapons apply. At the soft cap of 40, stamina stops increasing all together while equip load goes up at the same rate as always and bleed resistance slows to a crawl.


This is the first attribute we’ll cover that deals with meeting attribute requirements and increasing the damage the player does. How it does this comes from the way Dark Souls handles weapon and spell damage. Every equippable weapon in the game has attributes that must be reached to wield and that their damage can scale up with. For example, the Large Club requires 26 Strength to wield one-handed and has “A” rank scaling in Strength, meaning that it has the second best damage multiplier (“S” being the highest) for that single attribute. The higher your Strength, the more damage you do with big, smashy weapons. This also applies to weapons with split scaling but usually to a lesser degree. Bear in mind that Strength has two soft caps with a special caveat. The first cap is at 20 (slight scaling drop) and the second is at 40 (drastic scaling drop), but these can be reached at 14 and 27 if two-handing since doing so gives special prosperities (also covered in the coming “Combat” article).


Dexterity is similar to Strength, but is used to meet the requirements of finesse weapons, and applies a bonus to attack rating on any weapon with Dexterity scaling. Unlike Strength, Dexterity also increases the speed at which Sorceries, Pyromancies and Miracles are cast. Because of this, Dexterity has the same soft caps as Strength at 20 and 40, being where scaling drops slightly and drastically, but also at 45 when spell cast speed stops increasing. Also, Dexterity does not benefit from two-handing and must reach the 20 and 40 caps to make the most of a weapons scaling.



Okay, this is equal parts a joke and gospel truth in the established Dark Souls community. Resistance is easily the least sought after because while it does increase physical defense, fire defense and poison resistance, it does so extremely slowly. It’s almost always better to invest in Vitality for more health or Endurance for a higher equip load to wear heavier armor. So, while it is a joke when a player’s advice for leveling Resistance is “Don’t”, it comes from a place of knowledge and understanding of the usefulness of other attributes.


Where you have Strength for smashy weapons and Dexterity for finesse weapons, Intelligence is used for all things magic. While this includes weapons with inherent magical properties and weapons that have been infused to have Intelligence scaling, it mostly applies to catalysts. All but one catalyst (weapon/tool that casts Sorceries) requires and scales based on Intelligence. Also, all Sorceries have their own Intelligence requirement to cast. The more you increase your Intelligence, the more Sorceries you’ll be able to add to your arsenal and the more damage you’ll do with them because of your catalyst. Intelligence has two soft caps at 40 and 50 with a special exception for a single catalyst at 45. Each one of these caps sees attack rating scaling drop drastically.


As Dexterity is similar but slightly different to Strength, Faith is similar but slightly different to Intelligence. Instead of dealing with Sorceries, Faith applies to Miracles and Faith-scaling weapons. Instead of catalysts, Miracles use talismans (with only one scaling with Intelligence). Instead of three soft caps, Faith only has one at level 50. Faith also has the added bonus of increasing the player’s magic defense, although this should not be the sole reason for investing in the attribute.

That’s all the traditional attributes out of the way, here are two unique cases that players should be aware of if they want to make the most of benefits and bonuses available to them.


For those not in the know, Humanity is a sort of consumable item in Dark Souls that has several different applications. When used, it fully heals the player and increases the current Humanity (called Soft Humanity) count by one. This count can be found in the top left corner as part of the HUD that includes player health and stamina. Players can use these Humanity to become human (allowing online interactions), give to NPCs for various effects or kindle bonfires (increasing the number of healing Estus that bonfire gives when rested at). What some may not know however, is that having a high Humanity count can increase several stats as well as increase damage on particular weapons. The Humanity stat has a soft cap at 10 and 30 which apply to two of the three stats it benefits. At 10, item discovery no longer increases while curse resistance stops growing at 30. Players can also increase all their defenses by up to 50 points by holding the maximum 99 Soft Humanity. Although, this is extremely dangerous in nearly any case because they are dropped upon death and can only be recovered if the player makes it back to their bloodstain.

Dark Souls 3 How To Get More Attunement Slots

Soul Level

Finally, we have the player’s total Soul Level or the sum of all their other attributes. This entry is sort of misleading though as your actual Soul Level does not increase your defense, but your total number of stats does. Simply put, the more stats you have increased, the higher your all defenses will go. Fun fact, it takes over 1.6 billion souls to reach the maximum Soul Level with any of the starting classes.

While nearly all the stats were covered at one point or another in the description of all the attributes, there are several more stats that simply were not necessary to mention by name. Most of these are self-explanatory such as the weapon damage of the four weapon slots and defense to various damage types (strike, slash, thrust, and lightning). Then there’s poise. These will get more attention later on, but for now we’ll leave them be.

With that, any player should have a much better grasp of what the various attributes and stats of Dark Souls are and what they do. Of course if you’ve got any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments and I’ll be sure to address them. Just like the first article, I’d like to make a shoutout to a content creator that has made a ton Dark Souls stuff. This time, it’s Limit Breakers with a crazy amount of useless (and sometimes useful) data on the series as a whole. If you’ve ever wanted to know what the longest possible bar is Dark Souls is, Limit Breakers has your back. Tomorrow, we will be revisiting the Age of Ancients in greater detail.

Until then, Praise the Sun and Vereor Nox.

In depth explanation of all the Dark Souls 3 player stats so you can make the right choice in your character’s build! Details the best use of stats, what the soft and hard caps of each stat are, and gives some build ideas. Don’t make the mistake of wasting stat points on useless attributes.

Each stat is explained in detail and includes the soft and hard cap for the stat. The soft cap is where you will start seeing diminishing returns (less benefit) and is set at 40 for most stats. For example on Endurance with a soft cap of 40, raising the stat to 41 or higher will start to give you less Stamina per point. In some cases you would be better off raising a different stat instead.

We’ll have a lot more Dark Souls III builds, guides, and other information coming out so check out our other articles and be sure to come back soon!


  • HP (Hit Points)
  • Frost resistance
  • Physical resistance (+1 resist per point in all physical types)
  • Gradual Soft Cap to 27? (needs verification) / Medium Cap: 50 / Hard Cap: 99
  • up to 27: gradually lowers from about 45 to 30 HP per stat point in vigor / 27+: 19 HP per point (?) / 50-99: +5 HP per point (?)

Vigor determines how much health your character has. It is hugely important for every class and build and should not be overlooked. At absolutely minimum, every character will probably want to invest at least enough points to reach 20 stat points in Vigor. It can mean the difference between surviving a stunlock / stagger combo that catches you. Also increases Frost Resistance as a secondary defensive effect.

Note: Currently we are working on verify specifics. It appears the 1.03 patch adjusted stats so some of the information available elsewhere is inaccurate. I can confirm that on patch 1.03 (retail release with Day 1 patch), this is true:

  • Vigor stat from 19 up to 20: + 41 HP (764 total HP)
  • Vigor stat from 20 up to 21: +40 HP (804 HP)
  • Vigor stat from 21 up to 22: +38 HP (842 HP)
  • Based on this it appears to be correct Vigor has a gradual soft cap. I will update when it is verified if there is a major point of diminishing returns.


  • Spell Slots
  • Focus Power (FP)

In Dark Souls 3, similarly to Dark Souls 2, attunement is a stat that is important for Sorcerers, Clerics, and Pyromancers. Melee focused builds will likely also want enough for 1 or 2 attunement slots in order to enchant their weapons or use other minor spells. Each slot is one more spell you are allowed to “equip”. Focus Power, or FP is used to cast magic and perform Weapon Arts. It is the blue bar in the HUD. FP does not regenerate, but can be refilled by using the Ashen Estus Flask.

  • Attunement Stat / Spell Slots Given:
    • 10 – 13 – 1 slot
    • 14 – 17 – 2 slots
    • 18 – 23 – 3 slots
    • 24 – 29 – 4 slots
    • 30 – 39 – 5 slots
    • 40 – 49 – 6 slots
    • 50 – 7 slots
    • 60 – 8 slots
    • 99 – 10 slots


  • Stamina
  • Lightning and Bleeding Resistance
  • Soft Cap: 40 / Hard Cap: 99

Endurance primarily determines how much stamina you have in Dark Souls III. More stamina means you can dodge, block, run, or attack more before you need to wait for your stamina bar to refill. Almost no character will ever want to go over 40 Endurance attribute points in their build, and most will want to use considerably less. If you were to really max endurance the main real-world benefit you would get would be that you could possibly block some heavy boss attacks without being staggered if you used a high stability and damage absorbtion shield. The other use would be being able to spam attack combos for longer, but that’s not normally helpful with how PvP or PvE ends up working due to knock downs and dodge-rolls (you usually have time for your stamina to refill.)


  • Equipment Load
  • Poison Resistance
  • Physical Defense
  • Soft Cap: 40 / Hard Cap: 99 (after 40 you gain less physical defense per point)
  • +1 weight / burden per stat point in Vitality up to 99

Although it may be slightly confusing, Vitality does not affect your HP. In many games Vitality is basically synonymous with hit points, but here it mostly affects your Equip Load, which affects how much armor and weapon weight you can use. For example if you plan to build a heavily armored tank, Vitality will be a primary stat for you. In a roundabout way it also affects your roll speed, since your roll speed is based on how much of your Equip Load is used.

Equip Load / Weight Important Note: The cutoff for a “fast” roll is 70% equip load. You can see your equip weight and percentage on the character stats screen. Most characters will want to stay below 70% equip load in order to have a good roll speed and distance. From information available it appears there is a tiny advantage to going even lighter — you get slightly more distance with your roll at light equip weights. However so far most sources agree it is almost negligible and that being right at 70% equipment burden is the ideal weight.


  • Increases damage with strength scaling weapons (clubs, hammers, axes, etc)
  • Attack Strength
  • Fire Resistance
  • Increases Defense
  • Soft Cap: 40 / Mid Cap: 60 / Hard Cap: 99

Strength is important for using heavy weapons and other equipment like heavy greatshields (to meet the minimum stat requirements). It also will increase damage on any weapon that scales off of strength.


  • Increases damage with dexterity scaling weapons (finesse weapons like daggers and light swords)
  • Reduces spellcasting time
  • Reduces damage from falling
  • Soft Cap: 40 / Mid Cap: 60 / Hard Cap: 99

Dexterity is the main damage stat for characters using lighter, faster, and “advanced” weapons in DS3. This can include daggers, bows, light swords like scimitars and other weapons – mostly light, fast, or ranged. It also reduces spellcasting time so it might be a consideration for hybrid melee / caster builds like dex and faith or dex and intelligence.


  • Increases sorcery spell damage
  • Required to meet minimum stats to cast some spells
  • Increases damage with intelligence scaling weapons (which are somewhat rare)
  • Magic Defense
  • Also affects pyromancy
  • Soft Cap: 40 / Mid Cap: 60 / Hard Cap: 99

Intelligence is the main attribute for sorcerers in combination with attunement. (Not to be confused with miracles, which instead rely on Faith for damage). Faith and intelligence are some of the few stats that don’t have sharp caps on their benefits, so take the 40 / 60 caps as a general guideline. For example a primary sorcerer will likely benefit quite a bit going up to at least 60 points in intelligence.


Get More Attunement Slots Dark Souls 3
  • Increases miracle damage and effectiveness
  • Required to meet minimum stats to cast some miracles
  • Increases damage with Faith scaling weapons (which are somewhat rare)
  • Increases Dark Defense
  • Pyromancy spells
  • Soft Cap: 40 / Mid Cap: 60 / Hard Cap: 99

Faith is the main attribute for clerics, who cast miracles. Miracles can heal, do damage, and create other effects. It also affects damage and effectiveness of Pyromancy. Faith and intelligence are some of the few stats that don’t have sharp caps on their benefits, so take the 40 / 60 caps as a general guideline.


  • Item Discovery boost
  • Increase Bleed Resist and Damage
  • Increase Poison Resist and Poison
  • Increase Curse Resist
  • Soft Cap: 40 / Medium Cap: 60 / Hard Cap: 99

Luck is probably the least popular (worst) stat as of writing this. It really does not help you much in combat in most situations. It may be that some creative players work out a way to make a build based around luck, but most players would be better off not wasting stats in luck.

Example builds

Most players are agreeing that SL120 OR SL 125 (Soul Level 125) is the end game level for PvP. This is an important consideration because Dark Souls 3 matchmaking matches you up with people in a small range of your level. Hence if you want to find people to play with, you should consider shooting for level 125 as your end-game.

The best starting classes are probably the Knight, Warrior, or Pyromancer because they have the lowest amount of luck and it is generally considered a wasted stat point. Note this does not take into consideration starting gear or early game builds, but after around 10 level ups and a few hours of play your starting class makes little difference.

How To Get More Attunement Slots Dark Souls 3

Standard Versatile Melee Fighter (Start as Knight)
40 Str / 40 Dex / 20 End / 40 Vit / 40 Vig
This gives you high damage on strength and dex scaling weapons, the ability to use some decent armor, and a solid chunk of HP to fight with.

Cleric (Start as Herald)
40 Dex / 40 Faith / 25 Vigor / 25 Attunement / 25 Endurance / 15 Vitality

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